Jewelry Care

Handy Cleaning Tips and To Care For Your Elegold Jewelry Pieces

The captivating, reflective allure of gold jewelry is undoubtedly its most enchanting feature. To ensure the longevity of your cherished pieces, it's essential to care for them with affection and attention. Fortunately, we're here to guide you on how to keep your jewelry gleaming and resplendent!

We highly recommend avoiding contact with the following substances:

  • Perfume
  • Lotions
  • Body Soaps
  • Chlorine
  • Bleaches and other Cleaning Agents
  • Hairspray

Additionally, we advise against wearing your precious pieces while swimming in the sea or pool, as this can potentially harm or diminish their beauty.

The good news is that you can easily restore the shine of your jewelry by gently polishing it with a lint-free cloth, effectively removing any accumulated oils.

For comprehensive and detailed cleaning instructions, please refer to our dedicated cleaning guide. Your Elegold Jewelry deserves nothing less than to remain radiant and exquisite.